Disinfecting with a fogger: What you need to know.

Disinfecting with a fogger: What you need to know.

Simply “fogging” an area with a disinfectant does not meet EPA-registered label requirements without proper pre-cleaning and may be a violation of federal law.  More importantly, improper application of the disinfectant can lead to a false sense of security, an increase in health hazards and not be effective at reducing the risk of the spread of COVID-19.

Most of these cleaners require that a surface be cleaned with either a soap and water mixture or detergent. Once dry, the surface should then be sprayed to help combat common germs and viruses on surfaces.

The approved list of cleaners, also known as the EPA “List N: Disinfectants for Use Against SARS-CoV-2” is believed to be the most effective at eradicating the virus that causes COVID-19.

For example, by wiping the surface, the friction caused by the application of the disinfectant with towels ensures maximum contact with the virus, which will lead to the greatest risk reduction.

There are two primary types of fogging machines — thermal or “standard” fogging machines and a ULV cold fogger. If you are considering using a fogging machine for disinfection/sanitation purpose consider  ULV Fogger for disinfection.

Things to Consider When Fogging & Disinfecting:

One of the most significant benefits of using this type of cold fogger (ULV) is that you can control the size of the solution particles it creates and sends through the air. This means that you can tailor the machine for just about any circumstance. For instance, if you are disinfecting an interior room, you will want to use much smaller particles because they can penetrate small nooks and crannies and they stay in the air longer. Or if you are applying a pesticide to get rid of large insects outdoors, you can turn up the particle size so they are more likely to hit the target and not be blown away by the wind.

Chemical fogging: Applying chemical disinfectants to production areas as fogs or mists is a method used routinely in the food industry. The purpose is to create and disperse a disinfectant aerosol to reduce the numbers of airborne micro-organisms and also to apply disinfectant to surfaces that may be difficult to reach. Fogging is achieved using either a static, purpose-built system in a factory area with strategically placed nozzles or, more commonly, a mobile unit.

The equipment supersaturates the atmosphere with a disinfectant fog; the area covered will vary depending on the application system being used. A built-in system will typically be used for production areas >200m3, with mobile units usually being employed for areas <200m3,. Under typical conditions, fogging is carried out for a minimum of 15–30min to enable the fog to disperse and the chemical action to occur. After fogging, an additional period of 45–60min is required to allow the droplets to settle out of the air and onto the surfaces.

Due to the type of procedure, no one (people and pets) can be present inside during the time of the application and for 45-60 minutes afterward – allowing to settle, dry, and disinfect.

Mercedes Cleaning Solutions LLC offers Commercial janitorial cleaning services with this disinfecting methods to Offices, Medical Centers and Retail stores, just ask for our Disinfecting Services.

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